
Physics Lab

We understand the need of state-of-the-art laboratory for physics with updated and calibrated equipments for inquisitive students who are willing to create new collective knowledge and foster the next generation of scientific leaders.The Physics lab is designed as per International standards with table tops made of epoxy resin and phenolic resin making them robust and chemical resistant. The furniture are created keeping the Indian physique in mind and the drawers and doors are made for soft closing especially designed for young students. We harness the best of modern technology to support the intellectual curiosity of our students and faculty and to bestow best laboratory experience


Chemistry lab

Chemistry laboratory is a place where students either are extremely playful or very scared of using chemicals. Rajbina College has state-of-the-art Chemistry lab that lets you sat it your curiosity by moving the students in the correct direction. The equipments are all calibrated for zero error. The table tops are made of epoxy resin and phenolic resin and can withstand the hardest chemical and leaves no marks or reactions on surface. The lab is created to be fire resistant and handle any kind of mishap. The heights and widths of the furniture are all created keeping in mind the Indian physique of students. All the drawers and cupboards doors are made for soft closing. The windows and environmental friendly lighting are especially designed keeping in mind visibility. Our laboratories with advanced equipments and facilities aid and stimulate our students for them to learn best with practical knowledge. It empowers them with better comprehension and moves their inquisitiveness in the correct direction.


Zoology lab

The Zoology Laboratory provides the students with a suitable environment to develop a detailed understanding of the animal kingdom by exploring the physical, morphological and physiological characteristics of animals. The laboratory presents through its instruments an ideal place for undergraduate students to study the histology of various cells, tissues and organs.


Psychology Lab

The Psychology Lab is equipped with the latest and some of the best facilities for behavioural research in the country. It has facilities for conducting research in many cutting edge areas of psychology. The major equipments include Eye-Tracker, Bio and Neurofeedback systems, Vienna Testing System and Electronic Tachitoscope. Besides them, several other facilities and equipments are also available.



Central Library and Information Centre of Rajbina B.Ed College is the core learning resource of the college which plays a vital role in enhancing the quality of teaching - learning environment in the institution. The library has a rich collection of documents in the form of text books, reference books, pamphlets, journals, magazines, maps, news papers and CDs/DVDs for the use of its members which are well organised and classified under the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system. Total area of the library consists with a Stack Room, Circulation Section, Reading Room for the students, Special Study Room for the teaching staffs, separate Information Desk to provide reference and referral service to the users, specified Reprography Section where photocopying facilities available and Librarians Chamber. There is a water purifier with water dispenser to supply purified cold drinking water to the users. The reading room of the library has been Wi-Fi enabled. Users can access the Internet from their own gadgets subject to authorization. The entire library secured with CCTV surveillance to safe guard its possession of books and other physical properties. The library has installed several fire extinguishers for prevention of fire hazards in library.